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It is the responsibility of all Therapists, Establishments, Providers, Schools etc. to understand all Rules, Standards, Policies and Laws and to check the website regularly for updates, form changes etc., as well as review any emails or notices sent via USPS from the Board office and respond accordingly if asked to do so (make sure emails are not going to your spam/junk folder). It is the sole responsibility of the licensee that email and address changes are registered with the Board office within 30 days if changed, through your personal web portal page or by submitting the appropriate paperwork to the office for processing.
LAW UPDATE - June 2024 

During the recent legislative session, SB353 by Senator Beth Mizell went into effect June 21st, 2024, to amend the Louisiana Massage Therapists and Massage Establishments Act. To ensure compliance with the updated regulations Please use this link to view the entire Practice Act OR, view the changes through the legislation website Act No. 779   

Update to §3564. Regulation of advertising  

§3564. Regulation of advertising  *See Clarification Below* 

A. A person or an entity that does not hold a license as a massage therapist physical therapist, or chiropractor, a certificate to practice athletic training, or a license as a massage establishment shall not use the words "massage", "body work", or any derivative or variation of the word "massage", including specific bodywork or massage modalities, on any sign or other form of advertising. Any advertisement by a massage therapist or a massage establishment  including  but not limited to building  signs, a website, and  other  promotional materials shall contain  the name and number of the licensed therapist or establishment on file with the board   license number of such therapist or establishment. Building signs with promotional material shall also include the professional or establishment number.

C. In all pictorial representations for any advertisement representing massage therapy, including such representations through video, all persons representing massage therapists shall be attired and posed in a manner as to avoid appealing to the prurient interest. Persons representing clients shall be appropriately draped and posed. No licensed therapist or establishment shall advertise in any publication or any website marketing services appealing to the prurient interest.

        Advertising / Building Signs

·    Building signs must match what is on record with the Board office. Generic signs such as "Massage" are no longer allowed

·     Website, phone number etc., must match what is on record with the Board office

·    No Massage Establishment or Massage Therapist can advertising in any publication/website that market services that are sexual in nature

Establishment/Solo Registration Numbers and Professional License Numbers in Advertising

·    Business cards and promotional material that only advertise the business must include the Establishment/Solo Registration number. Example: ABC Massage Therapy, E0000

·    Business cards and promotional material that advertise the business and massage therapist(s) must include the establishment/solo practitioner number and the massage therapist(s) professional license number. Example: ABC Massage Therapy, E0000 - Jane Doe, LMT P0000

·    Business cards and promotional material for an individual therapist must include the license number. Example: John Doe, LMT P0000

·    Building signs do not need to include the establishment license number but, must match what is on record at the Board office

Still not sure who does or does not need an establishment license or unsure about the difference between a Solo Registration and Establishment License? See the Establishment FAQ page -

The regulations of advertising were not the only changes made to the Massage Therapy Practice Act. Please use this link to view the entire Practice Act OR, view the changes through the legislation website Act No. 779  

If you have any questions or need clarification please respond to this email or give the office a call at 225-756-3488. We are happy to assist. 

2023 - Parish Ordinances Regarding Establishments
Over the years, many parishes have implemented laws regarding massage establishments dating as far back as the 1990's. The Board is aware that some parishes are updating their ordinances in an effort to stop human trafficking and illicit activity. The Board does not have control over the passing of these ordinances. Please note that any ordinance does not supersede the regulations and requirements of LBMT laws. It is the business owner’s responsibility to check with parish municipalities regarding these regulations to ensure compliance. 
The easiest way to find out if your parish has an ordinance regarding massage establishments is to Google the following: "Massage Establishment ordinance in (enter your parish)". If there are any ordinances in your parish in relation to massage establishments, the ordinance will provide the department in your parish to contact.  